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Provides two communication options for customers who have disabilities: Verizon Wireless National Accessibility Customer Service Center (for wireless customers). Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities (for FIOS and traditional phone customers): offers TTY services. Customers can also request to have their service bills provided in alterative formats, including braille, large print, audio CD, and CD-ROM.
Provides two communication options for customers who have disabilities: Verizon Wireless National Accessibility Customer Service Center (for wireless customers). Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities (for FIOS and traditional phone customers): offers TTY services. Customers can also request to have their service bills provided in alterative formats, including braille, large print, audio CD, and CD-ROM.
Utility Service Complaints
Braille Transcription
Telephone Service Providers
Telecommunication Relay Services
Large Print Utility Bills