School Based Services | AtlantiCare Behavioral Health (ABH)
Provides adolescents diagnosed with mental health conditions by providing the supportive services necessary to complete their education, acquire skills for employment or further education, and lead mentally and physically healthy lives. The Center delivers core services, including mental health and substance abuse services, employment counseling, primary and preventive health services, pregnancy prevention services, learning support services, case management services, and recreation services encompassing games, sports, and computers.
Physical Address
1400 North Albany Blvd, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Application process
Please call for information.
Open to children and adolescents, ages 2 through 18, who reside in Atlantic County. Applicants must have an Axis I psychiatric diagnosis, as per DSM-IV, and not meet criteria for a more intensive level of care
Agency info
AtlantiCare Behavioral Health (ABH)
Provides a full range of mental health and substance abuse treatment services to people of all ages at more than a dozen locations throughout Atlantic County.