
Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing (HPRP) | Catholic Charities Diocese of Paterson - Family and Community Services

Assists financially eligible families and individuals with rental and housing related needs to prevent homelessness. Services provided to the participant will be divided into two categories of primary and support services, and will be determined on an individual basis. An individualized service plan to be developed in partnership between the participant and the case manager will be required.

Physical Address

101-103 Bassett Hwy, Dover, NJ 07801


Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Application process

Call for a phone screening. An appointment will be made to further qualify you for financial assistance.


- Must be currently homeless verified through a shelter, transitional housing, motel/hotel paid by Social Services or other agency, etc. or self-declaration of housing status.- Must be a Morris County resident- All household members must have legal immigration status- Must be able to demonstrate affordability to pay future rent- To receive Security Deposit assistance - Household must be a 1st time housing voucher recipient and currently homeless.- Households that receive SSI/SSD/SSA are not excluded from the program but must be able provide other source of income and/or demonstrate future ability to pay rent after the program ends.

Agency info

Catholic Charities Diocese of Paterson - Family and Community Services

Provides individuals, disabled, families, seniors, veterans, vulnerable groups, those with low income, with a comprehensive variety of assistance.