Registration of Vital Events | NJ Office of Vital Statistics
Provides the ability to register specific life events for vital records. These life events include; Marriage Licenses, Civil Union Licenses, Domestic Partnerships and Stillbirth. The records held at the office include birth records for last 100 years (1924) and death/marriage records from 1941-present.
Physical Address
Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Application process
Please visit the website for more information.
Open to any person in need of a vital record due to an event that occurred in New Jersey.
Agency info
NJ Office of Vital Statistics
Registers vital events and maintains the following vital records; Birth records starting at 1922, Marriage records starting at 1931, Death records starting at 1931, Domestic partnership records starting at 2004, Civil union records starting at 2007, Adoptions (foreign and domestic), Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth data. Data is stored from the 1900's to the present.