
Adolescent Housing HUB | NJ Department of Children and Families

Places youth in transitional or permanent housing managed by the Office of Adolescent Services under DCF, mostly near public transport. The program requires employment or education, assisting those without a diploma. Most focus is placed on developing life skills, employment, and education for 18-24 months. Tenants pay up to 30% of income for rent, and engagement strategies are applied to all, including those refusing services.

Physical Address

300 Horizon Dr, Robbinsville, NJ 08691


24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Application process

Call performcare hotline for an intake process.


Homeless youth, ages 18 through 21.

Agency info

NJ Department of Children and Families

Serves and supports at-risk children and families. This is done with an array of family-centered programs and services.